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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A New Feature @ TM:I For The Kiddos!!

I decided to make an addition to the blog. While I will continue to make sure all you are informed of the latest news for moms, expectant and otherwise, I want to add your kids to the list of folks we "teach". Now of course, I won't be adding news stories and scientific studies for them...but, I want to add things you can show them, read to them, do with them and listen to with them. 

For instance, I want to make Mondays into "Musical Mondays" where I upload a video or sound clip of a song that you WON'T find on the radio. I want it to be something fun and entertaining, kid safe and something to broaden their little minds and encourage both of you to engage in conversation and laughter together. Some days, I want it to be a silly song, some days classical, operatic, Blue Grass, name it.  I want to use these special posting to bring a little culture or knowledge that you may or may not know about to you and your child. That way, you know there is a site you can come to everyday for a special lesson of the day for your kiddos. I think this would be helpful to encourage learning at home if you haven't already implemented something like this, or at least you can have a fun thing to look forward to everyday.

I want to also expand to crafts, stories, learning pages and more to change it up. If you have any ideas for things to add or nifty, catchy names, just e-mail us by clicking on the "envelope" flag to the left here or the "contact us" tab on our Facebook page.

I know it isn't Monday, but, here is a "Music Monday" sampling for you to enjoy with your little one. It's from 1961, "Baby Sittin' Boogie" by Buzz Clifford.

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