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Friday, August 26, 2011

Festival Friday(kids edition)

Today is Festival Friday where we are going to learn about a holiday/celebration/cultural event from another part of the world. We will learn about the event and why it is celebrated, popular traditions, foods and crafts if possible. 

This site (HERE) is an EXCELLENT source of holidays from around the Earth. It is called "Earth Calendar". 

Today is August 26, 2011

In the US where I am it is Woman's Equality Day, Celebrate the 1920 passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, which gave American women full voting rights. The holiday was first established in 1971 by Rep. Bella Abzug and has been celebrated nationally ever since.. 

It is also National Cherry Popsicle Day!!
Yummy  on a hot day!!!

Tomorrow, August 27, 2011:

Independence Day in Moldova is a public holiday.

Moldova Independence Day Date: August 27

Independence Day is a public holiday in Moldova.
Independence Day, which can also be referred to as the birthday of a nation, is an annual celebration on which, a nation celebrates its anniversary of independence from a foreign rule and assumption of sovereign statehood. The Independence Day is honored in most of the countries as a national holiday. Moldova celebrates its Independence Day on August 27th to commemorate its independence from the Soviet Union. 

Moldova Independance Day Traditions, Customs and Activities

On this day, the President makes public speeches and inaugurates new constructions sites. Flowers are laid at the Monument of Stefan cel Mare and a concert is organized at the National Square. The people of Moldova participate in sports events, concerts exhibitions and outdoor events. On this day, every Moldovan celebrates being an independent citizen of a free, independent and peaceful country.

Moldova, an East European country, land-locked between Romania in the west and Ukraine in east, south and north is officially known as The Republic of Moldova.

Food in Daily Life. Mamaliga , a hard corn porridge, is regarded as the national dish. It is poured onto a flat surface in the shape of a big cake and is served mainly with cheese, sour cream, or milk. Non-Moldovan inhabitants joke that Moldovans would be unhappy if they could not eat mamaliga once a week. The main foods in daily life are a mixture of vegetables and meat (chicken, goose, duck, pork, and lamb), but the availability of vegetables depends on the season. Filled cabbage and grape leaves as well as soups such as zama and the Russian borsch also form part of daily meals. Plăcintă is a pastry filled mainly with cheese, potatoes, or cabbage that often is sold on the streets.
Recipe for Mamaliga:

Traditional mamaliga


boiled water
yellow cornmeal
Fill your favorite cooking pot about half full with cold water. Add about as much salt as you might use for the same quantity of soup.

Place the burner on high and after the water begins to boil add the cornmeal. Using your hands as a scoop, fill them with cornmeal, move them over the pot, then allow the cornmeal to flow out of your hands into the center of the pot where it will take the form of an iceberg. Repeat this process until the top of the "iceberg" reaches to about the ¾ full point.

Turn the burner to "low" for 10 - 15 minutes, depending on the size of the pot. Drain the water and put the pot back on the burner and begin mixing. Mash out any lumps with the side of a wooden spoon. Constantly stir to prevent sticking. When the mixture becomes thick and hard to stir, remove it from the burner. Dip a wooden spoon in cold water and push the cornmeal from the edge to the center of the pot.

Return to low heat for 1-2 minutes, without stirring, to release steam and loosen mixture from the bottom of the pan. Overturn the pot on a wooden platter. Let it cool for 5-10 minutes then cut it in slices with dental floss.

Quick mamaliga


2 cups yellow cornmeal
1 tsp. salt, or to taste
7 cups water
Tip: Use 8 cups of water for a softer mamaliga or 6 cups for a harder one.

Bring the water and salt to a boil. Pour a slow stream of cornmeal into the hot water while stirring vigorously to prevent lumps. After adding all the cornmeal stir for several minutes, then cover the pot. After about 10 minutes stir again, scraping the sides and bottom of the pan. Remove from heat and serve.

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