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Monday, January 3, 2011

The Dangers of Baby Orajel

I DID NOT WRITE is not from my opinion. It was pulled from the FDA site directly. So,it wasn't posted simply because I *THINK* it's bad, it was posted because the FDA even knows it's bad. So, if you choose to use it anyway with your under 2(or any age) so with caution and at your own risk. Like I always say, just because your family has used something by the gallons for the entire history of man with no complications...doesn't mean there can never, ever be any at anytime anywhere else. Take heed to studies, research and warnings. Know that most of the time it doesn't come from pure opinion, it has a prompt. Someone got hurt. TM:I

How Safe is Your Baby’s Teething Medicine?

Last month, the FDA warned doctors, patients, and parents about the potential for a rare but deadly blood disorder associated with benzocaine.  Benzocaine is a drug found in many popular over the counter anesthetics and a drug that can result in a blood disorder known as methemoglobinemia.
While anyone can develop methemoglobinemia babies under age 2 have an elevated risk of developing the condition.  Benzocaine is found in popular teething remedies such as Baby Orajel and Anbesol.  The FDA is now warning that Orajel and Anbesol should not be used on children under age 2 unless directed by a physician.
Methemoglobinemia interferes with the body’s ability to carry oxygen into bodily tissue.  If you, or your child, experience:
  • pale, gray or blue skin, lips or nails;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • fatigue;
  • confusion;
  • lightheadedness;
  • headache; or
  • Rapid heart rate
while on a benzocaine product then it is important to seek immediate medical attention.
Many over the counter benzocaine medications do not yet carry a warning about methemoglobinemia.
If you, or your child, have suffered from methemoglobinemia while taking or shortly after taking a benzocaine product, please file an adverse report with the FDA and consult with a defective drug lawyer for information about your legal rights.


    1. We'll stick with amber teething necklaces since hylands teething tablets are definitely out of the question!! There is a baby orajel that doesn't contain benzocaine, but amber is still what we'll continue to use.

      1. @Jessie... What's wrong with hylands teething tablets?

    2. Replies
      1. Hyland teething tablets contain belladonna
        NY daughter bought a pack from the drugstore. Afterusing them for two days my Grandson had two seisures in the same day
        He is 14 months. Due to the product being put back on the market it appeared to be safe. She had used other homeopathic formulas. So the doctors did not know what caused the seisures. So then again just last week she used it for only one or two doses and the next day he had another seisure. He has never had any prior to this. I did not know it had belladonna in it or I would have told her do not use that! I raised my family on whole natural foods & used very little herbs if any. Especially not when they were babies & toddlers. Belladonna is a dangerous poisonous element!
        It was know as far back as 2010 that it was a potential danger anf yet it was pn the shelf for my precoous GrNdson to be poisoned by it!I would never recommend BELLADONNA for any baby or children. FYO: I know my herbs & natural elements. I am thankfulyour grandson was strong as a further complication has been & can be coma or Death
        Babies before profits!

      2. Sorry ignore typos please. Just pay attention to this warning.

      3. Sorry ignore typos please. Just pay attention to this warning.

      4. Hyland teething tablets contain belladonna
        NY daughter bought a pack from the drugstore. Afterusing them for two days my Grandson had two seisures in the same day
        He is 14 months. Due to the product being put back on the market it appeared to be safe. She had used other homeopathic formulas. So the doctors did not know what caused the seisures. So then again just last week she used it for only one or two doses and the next day he had another seisure. He has never had any prior to this. I did not know it had belladonna in it or I would have told her do not use that! I raised my family on whole natural foods & used very little herbs if any. Especially not when they were babies & toddlers. Belladonna is a dangerous poisonous element!
        It was know as far back as 2010 that it was a potential danger anf yet it was pn the shelf for my precoous GrNdson to be poisoned by it!I would never recommend BELLADONNA for any baby or children. FYO: I know my herbs & natural elements. I am thankfulyour grandson was strong as a further complication has been & can be coma or Death
        Babies before profits!

    3. Hylands are back on the shelves. I see nothing wrong with using Hylands teething tablets, Baltic Amber necklaces, wet frozen washcloths or frozen bagels.

      1. Orajel now makes a natural teething tablet as well that we have used with our daughter.

      2. Sorry but you need to be careful with any product with belladonna in it. After using Hyland teething tablets my Grandson had seisures twice in one day. We were not aware of the recall and on one other occasion just last week He again had a seisure after using Hyland Tabletsp. I raised my family on natural whole foods and know my herbs and elements & would never give any baby anything with belladonna in it. It is poison.

      3. Sorry but you need to be careful with any product with belladonna in it. After using Hyland teething tablets my Grandson had seisures twice in one day. We were not aware of the recall and on one other occasion just last week He again had a seisure after using Hyland Tabletsp. I raised my family on natural whole foods and know my herbs and elements & would never give any baby anything with belladonna in it. It is poison.

    4. Frozen waffles are great too. They even have built in droll wells, lol.

    5. I am using homeopathic combination for my son's teething...that's good and my son never had motion or vomiting.

    6. Clove oil diluted in olive oil (one drop to a tablespoon) rubbed on the gums gives instant relief. Try it!

    7. I used orajel with both of my kids and they are fine, of course I used it only at night when they couldnt sleep and in combination with a pain killer like mortin or tylenol. Everything is bad for you when its NOT used in moderation! Good luck to all of you with teething little ones.

    8. The waffle and bagel comments concern me a little bit. When the baby gums them for long enough, bits can break off and cause a choking hazard.

      1. What nobody seems to point out, is that both waffles & bagels contain eggs. Something to AVOID before one year.

    9. I assumed it would be common sense to know to watch your child while they are chewing on ANYTHING or eating. I guess not. So, to add: If you choose to let your child chew on a frozen waffle or bagel, please watch them the entire time as small bits could break off.

    10. I just stumbled upon this remedy, I was cutting up mango and realized, wow this is a huge hard pit. I gave it to my nine month old and she had a blast while at the same time getting some nutrition. Obviously make sure it is large as not to pose a choking hazard as always watch.

    11. Nothing really takes away the pain of teething. I've tried it all and it still hurts. They will get through it eventually and it will pass. No need experiementing on your kid with every drug out there.

    12. I use Gum-omile (which I keep in the fridge) and an amber necklace and it seems to sooth my little one very well.

    13. that is true about the choking risks but they have had baby teething biscuits on the market for a very very long time with no known issues....I wouldn't think bagels would be much worse
      we should always watch our babies no matter what we give them or what they are doing.....shouldn't be not monitoring our infants in any situation...and for the record I have a 9 year old I have to monitor like a 6 month old all of the time so not calling anyone out here

    14. I have a baby just short of 3 months. He is already getting teeth, hates cold stuff and only thing that seems to calm him is walking around holding him (which is starting to kill my arms and back already)anyone know of a method that isn't cold?

      1. what worked best for my daughter, aside from Hylands tablets (which are MAGIC!) was one of those mesh feeders with a little frozen food in it. (I think I picked frozen apples or sweet potatoes) although my daughter was nearly 5 months. (she got SO MANY teeth at once). The tablets are great, though. I cannot praise them enough.

      2. green onion, give them a while green onion but where they put the whitish part in their mouth (be sure to wash the onion and to watch them with it, and dont give it to them all the time)the onion oil and juice numbs the gums. Surprisingly works perfect.

      3. please don't give your 2, almost 3 mos food of any kind for teething yet, it is entirely possible that he is not teething at all and is just going through the peak part of purple crying -
        I have 5 children now - the youngest is just 6 mos and he is the youngest of mine to start teething =) Not that it's impossible that yours would be teething, I know a few moms with babies with teeth at four mos, it's just very likely it may be PURPLE crying or it could be teeting coinciding with PURPLE crying -- just please don't give that tiny immature gut food before it has sealed, pretty please.

      4. To the anonymous who asked about "non cold" options - my kids always hated cold stuff and teething toys. What they preferred was a baby toothbrush (separate from what I brushed their teeth with), bc it fit all the way to the back gums easily and they could just chew away on it. Rubbery on one side, bristly on the other, it was perfect.

      5. A Moby Wrap to alleviate the fatigue in your arms from holding your baby.

    15. The last comment really brings back memories of my hubby pacing the hallways with my girls through the whole teething thing. He had the patience of a saint! your hard work will pay off in the end. My children are now 16 and 14. We only use homeopathic remedies. Made it this far without big pharma!It can be done and it's worth it!!!!!!!!!!

    16. I think those vibrating teethers are great, and also sometimes freeze a washcloth into a point- just dip a part of it in water so there is a warm dry "handle"

    17. orajel also makes a "naturals" that utilizes clove oil instead of benzocaine...i can't stand the smell of it, but it seems to work okay.

      (however, the box that we got also came with a small tube of their nighttime formula which is 10% benzocaine - the regular orajel is 7%)

    18. There is another brand of teething tablets other than hylands that is sold in most pharmacies that we use.

    19. Have you tried Humphrey's teething tablets? They work very well for my daughter. I too heard Hylands teething tablets are back on the shelf.

    20. Why did they take Hylands off? Haven't needed to buy anything yet as my son isn't teething.

      1. the processing was inconsistent the tablets didn't all contain the same amount of active ingredients, so they pulled it for a short time, now they have a new process to ensure consistency - there was some hoopla about belladonna, but it's still supposed to be safe when you use the amount recommended on the bottle -- just don't give a tiny baby 30 at time

    21. humphries is the other brand of teething tabs. they work great

    22. We always used Humphrey's teething pellets. I think its got bella donna in it and some other homeopathic ingredients. I would also give my babies a frozen spoon to gnaw on. The cold metal felt great on their throbbing gums!

    23. Bella donna is a no-no for anyone using herbal remedies or teething tablets. Bella donna is extremely dangerous. I was given a sheet of information by my daughter's pediatrician. Bella donna can cause heart attack in children and it must NEVER be mixed with benedryl (the combo is lethal). Bella donna was used by assassins in ancient times because it dissolves well in liquid without odor or taste.

    24. Please note that herbal does not mean "safe." Look at the ingredients in the teething tablets (avoid bella donna at all costs). I research homeopathic medicines as a hobby. Please, people, just because something is homeopathic or herbal does not mean that it is "safe" or wont harm/kill your child. For centuries herbs have been used to heal people, but they have also been used to kill people too. So, use common sense. Anything ingested can be dangerous.

    25. I work at a retail store and the reason hylands teething tablets were recalled was, benzocaine was not consistent in the pill it self. some had to much and some had to little. The pills with to much can actually harm your baby.

      1. Actually it was the belladonna levels weren't consistent.

    26. Homeopathic and herbal are NOT the same thing.

      1. This is important. Thank you for mentioning it. Herbal remedies contain herbs.Homeopathic remedies contain no active ingredients. They are fraudulent and take advantage of people.

    27. Please note that belladonna in homeopathic remedies is EXTRAORINARILY small. Actually any homeopathic remedy is. We are talking the "essence" of it. A drop in a bucket, then a drop of that solution in a bucket and so on until the chemical isn't really there per say. My daughter ate an entire bottle once(no child safety cap) and poison control really wasn't worried. They get that call all the time. Would take thousands upon thousands to create even a therapeutic dosage, chemicals similar to belladonna are used in heart medications. Yes it is safe, and yes it is derived from something poisonous as many things are. Do you eat potatoes????? Nightshade family...

    28. Hylands didn't and doesn't have benzocaine in them. That isn't the idea behind them.

    29. You can read about the Hyland's recall here, the tablets were never considered unsafe. They just needed to refine wording of possible side effects that have not been conclusively linked to the product. This was about packaging not about Hyland tablets safety. Don't jump to conclusions about a product with out being properly informed. You cause panic in people where there shouldn't be. The recall occurred last fall.

    30. Have you tried Belle's Biscuits? They're vegan, gluten free teething biscuits that have worked really well for my 10 month old. He can't get I hate giving any OTC meds to my teething baby.

      1. Yeah they melt and break off too. Choking hazard

    31. Okay... Belladonna is only dangerous in LARGE doses. I love the teething tabs! They are the best thing in the world! Oral-gel just washes away with spit, so its not worth it! Tylenol every 4 hours, or ibuprofen every 6 hours. The only way Belladonna will hurt your baby is if you give them a entire bottle of these teething tablets. The dose of Belladonna is so small it doesn't even phase them. The box reads that is has 0.0000095mg of belladonna. I understand EVERYONE is concerned about the things their children take, but these things with not hurt your children!

    32. I find it so interesting how things have changed and haven't changed since I had my children (my oldest is almost 40 years old). When I had my first child the pediatrician gave me a prescription for paragoric, which did a great job when rubbed on my daugher's gums during her teething time, but it was banned years later as it was a narcodic. Yes, can you imagine? Kidding aside it was used for years even when I was a baby. Did my daughter end up with brain damage? No, she is a mother of two with another on the way and is a dance teacher, kick boxer and has won martial arts competitions. Doesn't seem to have hurt her a bit. Of course I did not pour it down her throat either just a rub on the gums. I think this brings up an important subject, common sense. It seems that is the one thing that is lacking these days. Word of advice, use common sense as a mother. If it doesn't seem like a smart thing to do then don't do it. Educating yourself is great but using common sense, street smarts is as important as going to a web site. I feel bad for moms now as there is way too much information in the world wide web and so much second guessing. The only words of advice came from my mom and Dr. Spock, the baby doctor whose book was like the bible to a lot of us moms. We learned in the end that our own common sense was the best way to handle anything that came our way.

    33. common sense-if an ingrediant is questionable i will not use it.

    34. We use Gum-Omile oil (Almond oil, Willow bark extract, Chamomile flowers extract, Essential oil of Clove bud and Vitamin E oil) instead of Orajel (Benzocaine USP (20%), Flavor, Polyethylene Glycol, Sodium Saccharin, Sorbic Acid (A Preservative).

    35. My brother had a friend who had a child that died from the hylands teething tablets. I used them in 3 of my 5 children. Teething is tough, but I would go up and check out the clove oil post by sherriwho. It's worth a shot and will definitely NOT harm your child.

    36. I d k if anyone really read this, but they aren't saying orajel is the actual cause of this RARE BLOOD DISORDER, its the benzocaine. I might be to up tight when it comes using any type of medication unless okayed by the doctor, but if its NOT FDA approved, why are you going to risk anything?! That's your child, yes quick fixes are great, but not if it could potentially endanger your child's life. To each their own, && everyone parents different. I don't think any one is a bad parent for doing what they think is right for their child. Just stating my opinion, don't be offended!!

    37. Johnson and Johnson products contain cancer causing agents. I have used baby orajel and I am sad to hear of another product harming children. My cousin has severe disabilities from the dtp shot, u won't read about that because they settle those cases out of the publics eye. I have used the brand without benzocaine and if I ever need to use again I will use that kind. I check the recall site on a weekly basis. All drop side cribs have been recalled, our cribs were killing children-did u use one of those? Shame on u, no not really but don't make others feel shameful for using a product they thought was safe or not'looking it up' if it is on the Internet it must be true! We can't assume if Walmart sells it and we follow the recommended dosage, we are wrong to do so. There are orajel adds in very parents magazine , my doc has recommended it. I will heed any new warning as long as it is legit, we all want the best for our kids. Someone says use this kind another says someone's kid died from that, we can't win, someone will always have the I told u so attitude or I'm a better mom. I heard of children choking on amber necklaces, they are not supposed to put them in their mouth. See there is a comeback for everything damned of u do damned if u don't. We are all good loving parents on here enough so to read the warning

      1. I am curious about your cousin. Could you give more info?

    38. im sorry but DONT USE ANYTHING!!! i DONT USE ANYTHING and my babies are healthy and happy all 3 of them!....... come ON! people wake uppp

    39. get Tender Teeth from an acupuncturist or herb place it really works great. It takes away the pain, stops the drooling and tastes good too. Used it for my two grand kids never had any teething problems. The herbal company that makes it is blue poppy you can go to their web page and read about it.


      this has worked for my family... usually only 1 dose needed and cuddles (this, after the frozen cloth and rings and carrot have failed)

    41. Ha! I have given my babies belladona for years for fevers. Totally safe in homeopathic remedies. Like someone said, it's the essence that we are taking in the remedies. But, yes, they do work. My family is testament to that! When my 3rd was little, belladona was the only thing that would touch his fevers. We've used homeopathics for lots of things over the years--even my 12 year olds emotional issues, and they've worked wonders!!

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    43. is it safe for my almost 8 month old son to take baby orajel and wana go to sleep

    44. I know this was along time ago but im going to tell some of u that just bc ur kids didnt teeth till they were six months or whatever dont mean other ppls dont so get ur facts straight!! My son started teething at 3 1/2 months. U can see them in their gums!! Gah some of u are freakn idots!

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