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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

GUEST POST!!! That Mama Gretchen ~ "The Placenta Report"

This post was originally published at "That Mama Gretchen"

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I'm going to give you all fair warning on this post. If you aren't feeling the placenta love - read no further. I know I have some family and friend readers who might think twice about our relationship after the placenta report. Then again, I know I have some super crunchy mama friends who will be utterly fascinated like me.

And now, the report ...
I'm three weeks into my placenta consumption and feeling great! I'm not going to give all the credit to my placenta, but I'm givin' her alot. Yes, I've determined that my placenta is female. The non-placenta credit goes to Dominic and my Mama who have been super supporters of my transition from pregnancy to postpartum - lots of yummy food, hugs, and help with the wee ones.

Here's how it all went down ...
After birthing my placenta a solid 40 minutes after Max was born on the bathroom floor, we moved the bowl and placenta into the bath tub. I got stitched up, settled into bed, and then midwife Kat gave Dominic and I a placenta tour. This not only allowed her to make sure everything was fully intact, but it gave us a chance to check out the amazing organ that nourished Max for so long. Luckily, Christine was there to capture the tour in photographs.

Kat wrapped my placenta up in plastic, took it home, and proceeded to encapsulate it. Encapsulating is a process similar to drying and curing meat, so when it is done, it's almost like beef jerky. Then, Kat diced, minced, and pulverized my placenta into a dust and poured the dust into tiny pills. She delivered them to me Friday evening (Max was born Thursday morning) so I could start taking them right away. In the beginning I took 25-30 pills each day; now I'm down to 5-10 each day. I was taking so many because Kat special ordered mini pills for me (size 2s instead of the normal size 0 or 00). I stink at taking larger pills - like, I tragically gag and Dominic can't stop laughing at how pathetic I am. Kat found them through Super Supplements for mamas like me who are interested in encapsulating, but have pill gagging issues.

My jar of pills
I'll definitely encapsulate with future pregnancies. The benefits can't be beat and for $150 it is a worthwhile investment in my sanity. I've found my mood to be quite normal. Whatever that means :) I'm not very teary - I think I've only cried three or four times compared to multiple times each day with my first postpartum experience. I feel overwhelmed, but positive. My milk came in at 36 hours compared to 3 days with Jemma. And, when it came in, it was much calmer and more gradual ... not the painful experience I had with Jem where I was bawling in the shower. I think the biggest clincher was my when my Mom told me that she feels I'm doing really well. She sees a difference which makes me think I'm not making up the placenta awesomeness :)

Here's my first post on placentas for those that missed it. I opted to skip the smoothie and go straight for the pills; more due to timing and respect for my Mom's Vitamix than anything else :)

And, some additional resources that I've enjoyed reading:

Gretchen is the mama of two little ones, Jemma and Max, and the wife to one fabulous husband. Almost 3 years ago she started blogging at That Mama Gretchen when she was expecting her first baby and working full-time in marketing and sales. Since, she has become a stay at home mama who blogs all about her passion for birth and natural parenting … all while chasing a toddler, snuggling a newborn, whipping up simple meals, and trying to get dressed everyday.

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