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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A TM:I, Community Built Website

   I am really interested in hearing more from all of you guys. I would like a lot more input and involvement from the TM:I community regarding parenting topics. So, I plan on asking a QOTD (question of the day) on the page and on the forum. I'm hoping to turn this into a growing community that everyone is involved in and has input in.

I'm hoping to eventually to have a whole website with all the info we can gather in one place and all you guys as contributors. I also would like to link to various other bloggers and sites and links in a categorized way. That way, it will be easy enough to have all the parenting info you could want in an easy to find place.

Is this something you guys would be interested in? Let me know why or why not and what you'd like to see and hear about and anything else that might help. You can comment here, on the page, or on the forum.

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